We not only will try our best to offer excellent services to every customer, but also are ready to receive any suggestion offered by our customers for Manufacturer of China 30W 40W 60W 90W Integrated All in One Solar LED Street Light, Seeing believes! Timalandira ndekha chithandizo chatsopanocho kutsidya lina kuti tikakhazikitse mgwirizano wamabizinesi ndikuyembekezeranso kuphatikiza ubalewu mukamagwiritsa ntchito ziyembekezo zokhazikika.
Sitingoyesa zonse zomwe tingathe kuti tipeze ntchito zabwino kwa kasitomala aliyense, komanso okonzeka kulandira lingaliro lililonse loperekedwa ndi makasitomala athuChina dzuwa, Kuwala kwa mumsewu, Zinthu zathu ndi mayankho athu zimadziwika kwambiri komanso kudaliridwa ndi ogwiritsa ntchito ndipo imatha kukwaniritsa zosowa zachuma komanso zachikhalidwe. Timalandila makasitomala atsopano ndi achikulire ochokera ku moyo wonse kuti tilumikizirena ndi maubale am'tsogolo komanso kukwaniritsa bwino kwambiri!
Fakitale yathu ndi zinthu zathu zikugwirizana ndi miyezo yambiri padziko lonse lapansi, monga mndandanda iyor9001 ndi Iso14001. Timangogwiritsa ntchito zinthu zapamwamba kwambiri pazogulitsa zathu, ndipo gulu lathu la ophunzira a QC imayendera dongosolo lililonse la dzuwa ndi mayesero oposa 16 pamaso pa makasitomala athu asanalandire.
- Kupanga kwazinthu zonse zazikulu
Tinapanga mapanelo a dzuwa, mabatire a Lifium, ma nyali, zowunikira, zolumikizana mwachangu, kuperekera pafupipafupi komanso thandizo laukadaulo mwachangu.
Ntchito yothandizana ndi makasitomala
Kupezeka pa 24/7 kudzera pa imelo, whatsapp, Wembut ndi pafoni, timatumikira makasitomala athu ndi gulu la ogulitsa ndi mainjiniya. Mbali yamphamvu kwambiri kuphatikiza maluso abwino olumikizirana kwambiri kumatithandiza kuyankha mwachangu mafunso ambiri a makasitomala. Gulu lathu la ntchito nthawi zonse limawuluka kwa makasitomala ndikuwapatsa mwayi wothandizira anzeru.
Mphamvu | 40-w | ![]() ![]() |
Malaya | Kuwononga aluminiyamu | |
Chip Chip | Exeon 3030 | |
Kuchita Kuwala | > 100lm / w | |
CCT: | 3000-6500k | |
Kuwona ngodya: | 120 ° | |
IP | 65 | |
Malo Ogwira: | 30 ℃ ~ + 70 ℃ |
Gawo | 120W | ![]() |
Kuwunikira | Galasi / EVE / maselo / Eva / TPT | |
Kuchita bwino kwa maselo a dzuwa | 18% | |
Kupilira | ± 3% | |
Voliyumu pa Max Power (RPM) | 18V | |
Pakalipano pa Max Power (Inni) | 6.67a | |
Tsegulani magetsi a magetsi (voc) | 22ne | |
Mabwalo afupipafupi (ISC) | 6.75a | |
Ma diode | 1by-Pass | |
Gulu loteteza | Ip65 | |
Gwiritsani ntchito sha.scpe | -40 / + 70 ℃ | |
Chinyezi | 0 mpaka 1005 | |
Chilolezo | PM siochepera 90% mu zaka 10 ndi 80% mu zaka 15 |
Voliyumu | 12.8V | | |
Vutoli | 49.5 ah | ||
Kulemera kochepa (kg, ± 3%) | 7.59kg | ||
Pokwerera | Chingwe (2.5mm²² × 2 m) | ||
Kulipira kwakukulu | 10 a | ||
Kutentha Kwambiri | -35 ~ 55 ℃ | ||
M'mbali | Kutalika (MM, ± 3%) | 447mm | |
M'lifupi (MM, ± 3%) | 155mm | ||
Mtambo (mm, ± 3%) | 125mm | ||
Chilolezo | 3years |
Voliyumu yogwiritsira ntchito | 10A DC12V | ![]() |
Max. Kuchotsa Pakalipano | 10a | |
Max. Kulipira Pakalipano | 10a | |
Kutulutsa mphamvu yamagetsi | Max condo / 12v 150wp solar Conser | |
Kulondola kwa masiku ano | ≤3% | |
Nthawi zonse kuchita bwino | 96% | |
kuchuluka kwa chitetezo | IP67 | |
Palibe katundu wamakono | ≤0ma | |
Chitetezo cha Mphamvu | 12V | |
Chitetezo champhamvu kwambiri | 12V | |
Tulukani mopitilira muyeso | 12V | |
Yatsani magetsi | 2 ~ 20V | |
Kukula | 60 * 76 * 22mm | |
Kulemera | 168G | |
Chilolezo | 3years |
Malaya | Q235 | |
Utali | 7M | |
Mzere wapakati | 80 / 170mm | |
Kukula | 3.5mm | |
Mkono wopepuka | 60 * 2.5 * 1500mm | |
Nanchor Bolt | 4-M18-700mm | |
Nyamula | 320 * 320 * 14mm | |
Pamtunda | Hot Viced Gelvanated + IDWER yokutidwa | |
Chilolezo | Zaka 20 |
We not only will try our best to offer excellent services to every customer, but also are ready to receive any suggestion offered by our customers for Manufacturer of China 30W 40W 60W 90W Integrated All in One Solar LED Street Light, Seeing believes! Timalandira ndekha chithandizo chatsopanocho kutsidya lina kuti tikakhazikitse mgwirizano wamabizinesi ndikuyembekezeranso kuphatikiza ubalewu mukamagwiritsa ntchito ziyembekezo zokhazikika.
WopangaChina dzuwa, Kuwala kwa mumsewu, Zinthu zathu ndi mayankho athu zimadziwika kwambiri komanso kudaliridwa ndi ogwiritsa ntchito ndipo imatha kukwaniritsa zosowa zachuma komanso zachikhalidwe. Timalandila makasitomala atsopano ndi achikulire ochokera ku moyo wonse kuti tilumikizirena ndi maubale am'tsogolo komanso kukwaniritsa bwino kwambiri!